Tuesday, July 12, 2005

When Sunday used to be Sunday

I've noticed something lately.
Disturbing trends that have impacted our lives, our country, probably within the past five to ten years.
Remember when Sunday used to be special. It was the Holy Day. It was so different that you knew it was Sunday because it felt different, it looked different, it was one day set aside for the Lord.
Years ago the only thing we did on Sunday was go to church. There was Sunday School, eleven o'clock service, then probably a one o'clock, four o'clock, then an evening service. We didn't play cards, didn't listen to secular music. In Toronto, malls would be shut down, and no liquor sold (I'm not sure if that's still true for Toronto but it isn't true in Houston).
People would dress up to go to church. Church would come first.
Fast forward to now. Where in American can anyone attend Sunday School? Now people go to church on Saturday nights or Wednesday nights? Why? Because churches have decided to work around the lives of the people, instead of the people rearranging their lives for the Lord. It's like God now serves us; we don't serve him anymore, at least not the way that he has declared. Recently I heard someone say if you tried to keep people in church past two hours, or all days like we used to do in the past, the preacher may find himself by himself. Even the pastor's wife might not be there. Why? We got thangs to do. We gotta wash our car; get our hair and nails done. Mow the lawn. Eat a fancy dinner. Go to a baby shower. Ride out to the beach and catch some rays of the sun. We have to do anything and everything that has NOTHING to do with God. It's scary. It's like we've fallen asleep. These little selfish habits have slipped upon us so subtly that we barely notice how bad things have become. And I am in the guilty party. I am, I am. I can't believe it sometimes. It's a me-me-me generation. Everything is about what we got to do. And I wonder what God thinks about all of this. Actually, I'm SCARED to know what he thinks.

Am I the only one who has noticed these things? Are we all asleep? Are there any faithful few remaining that really know how to remember the Sabbath to keep it holy. Or does holy have a new definition now that we're in a new millenium?

Monday, July 11, 2005

The First Month

The First Month (originally posted on July 14, 2004)


About six weeks have passed since My Daughter's Boyfriend was released. Here are my thoughts, things that have been surprising, what has been pleasing, etc.

The Good Stuff

I think overwhelmingly, the best thing has to be how well My Daughter's Boyfriend has been received. Through a little investigating, I could see that the book is SELLING. People are ordering it, it's in their radar, it's showing up on various bestseller lists (I love that part). Now mind you, it hasn't hit anything like the New York Times, but I am a firm believer that my novels will position themselves on all of these national charts one days. You just gotta have faith and know that if other authors are able to achieve a certain level of success, so can you. I've always believed, but when certain things began to happen, you're still amazed. Happy, in awe, grateful, yet amazed.

The book is in heavy circulation in libraries from the north to the south, east to the west. I think that's important. My goal is for my books to be known and read throughout the world. It's gonna come to pass. And I am grateful for a legion of angels out there, supporters (friends) who call and email to let me know what is happening. I cannot emphasize how important it is to know these things. Stuff like, "I saw someone at a bookstore, and they were buying several books and yours was on top." (Thanks Brian). And people will tell me they know folks that are reading the book and are saying good things, etc. This is the wonderful, terrific, makes me feel good kind of stuff.


Not every reader likes my book and I have come across a few reviews that indicate that. I am just happy they:

(1) Heard of the book
(2) Bought the book
(3) Finished the book
(4) Posted a review of the book, even if they don't like it
(5) The book stirred all kinds of wild emotions in them - enough for them to even write down their thoughts about something I wrote.

Of course, I love it when someone gets what I do, enjoys and values it. Nothing better than that. But you'll get the other side as well. No problemo. Keep moving on. Life doesn't end. I am not the product of what anyone thinks about me, good or bad. I believe it's what God thinks about you that counts, ultimately, so he is my strength. That's about it.

I've cyber chatted enough for now. And I'm about to go back to sleep...

Thanks to My Supporters

Originally posted on Monday, August 16, 2004

Thank you to my supporters

Being an author is partially everything and nothing you imagine it to be. Maybe that's a good thing - because I learn something new probably every other day. Right now, I just want to give a mega shout out to all the folks that have:

1-Bought My Daughter's Boyfriend
2-Read the book
3-Loved the book
4-Told someone else about the book
5-Ordered the book for their bookstore
6-Selected MDB as a book club pick
7-Borrowed it from the library
8-Anything else that suggests support of me and my debut novel I really do enjoy this part, the good news, the sales rankings, knowing that people are reading my book in Australia, London, and British Columbia, and I adore the bestseller status (I don't care which list it hits, THANK YOU, for making it happen).

And thanks for the supportive e-mails, phone calls, etc., those things that stir up the joy inside my heart. Did I tell you that I LOVE GOOD NEWS! :) I do!

Peace & love,
Cydney Rax