Woo, I hope I do stir up some discussion for what I'm about to drop in this post. One thing I do not like or understand is so-called 'reviewers' who really aren't reviewers because they haven't even read the book or seen the movie but yet have opinion. STOP! Stop it now. It is sooo annoying for people to blast a book they've never ever read, or don't plan to read yet they can voice their viewpoints?? WTF? Reviews should be done by people that have read the entire book. Not by someone that figures upfront it won't be worth their time. If it's not, get to stepping and let a true reader do his or her thing.
Another thing, please do not post every single plot twist in a review. WHY?? LOL. When you do that, you take away their desire to read a book or see or movie. Why should they at that point? They already know everything that's going to happen. The suspense has been removed. Ugh!
So do us authors a favor. Don't past judgement on things you don't know about it. Don't post reviews on what you've heard someone else say. Do read the whole book not just the first chapter and give it a rating. You aren't really qualified to post a rating based on a chapter. And if you don't like something, that's fine, but never tell someone 'don't waste your money.' That's an ignorant statement. Why? Because why would you care what other people do with their money. It's not yours. You don't have the right. I know that is a statement that some people tend to put in their comments, but it is totally irrelevant and unnecessary. :)
Okay, I'm about to get off my soapbox. Right now I'm reading Hood Rat by K'wan, my introduction to this author's work. I'm also working on my third book titled How To Be His Number One. And thanks to each of you that do read my books and have listed them as favorites. Thank God someone out there is feeling me!!! :)
Take care,
My name is Cydney Rax and I am a new novelist who writes stories concerning African-Americans. I've been doing a weblog for several years now and decided to transfer my previous files and create new ones on blogger.com. The weblog will consist of what's going on with my books (My Daughter's Boyfriend, My Husband's Girlfriend, My Best Friend and My Man, & My Sister's Ex) and other current events of topical interest. Thanks for hanging out with me online.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
I don't know much about MySpace.com, but I just wanted to send a shout out to those folks that set up shop on that website -- and who have also mentioned My Daughter's Boyfriend as a book they've read and/or recommend. I really LOVE seeing my mentioned book on these personal sites, but I have no way to thank the people unless I join/sign up/create an account, and that's not about to happen. LOL. Sooooooooo thanks for making me smile. My readers always sprinkle some sunshine my way. Kisses to ya!! ---cydney rax
Monday, January 30, 2006
I finally have some good news
On the author tip, I learned today that my first lil book MY DAUGHTER'S BOYFRIEND has finally earned out its advance and I will be getting a royalty check. A nice unexpected chunk of change. This is absolutely one of the best things that can happen to a writer. And one thing I've never wanted to do is cause my publisher to lose money because I wasn't able to earn out my advance. But thank God, folks have been buying the book, especially the paperback edition and it's now in its second printing. So again, thank you to everyone that has been so supportive of MDB. I have really enjoyed visiting a few Houston area book clubs -- these ladies make me laugh sooo hard. Like The Sistah Hood Book Review, Brownstone Book Club, and others. We have so much fun and I love hearing the ladies diss my characters and talk about what they did, and how Tracey was so hated etc., It is amazing how readers look so far into a book in a way that an author doesn't intend and they pick up on things that even I hadn't thought about. Soooo, I am counting my blessings today -- and to me, earning royalties is a nice bonus because I try not to worry about how my book is selling. I don't hustle (shhh, don't tell anybody), I try not to get caught up. I just depend on word of mouth, and pray, and que sera sera. You simply can't control every aspect of the author life. You gotta let go of things and just enjoy each experience good or bad. And that's what I'm doing and what I hope to continue to do for the rest of my life.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Win an Oscar, Get a Divorce
Academy Award Winner Hilary Swank and her hubby Chad Lowe are separating --- another couple standing in the snaking line of the Hollywood Divorce Court. I just wonder what is it about Hollywood, or success perhaps, that makes it seems a relationship's demise is inevitable. Yes, I was shocked when Nick and Jessica split up (I really hate believing the tabloids and I rejected all their juicy little know-it-all rumors). I wasn't suprised by the break up of Gabrielle Union and her husband. And like most others, yeah, I was shocked that Brad Pitt would leave Jennifer. What's the world coming to? And God forbid, the February issue of Ebony Magazine just hit the street - the issue where they proclaim the 10 hottest black couples. I really detest that type of story because a lot of times we don't know what is going on behind closed doors when it comes to a famous couple's relationship. We are in awe of their love, we envy how he treats her like a queen, but is he beating her like a fiend when no one is looking? Oh well, I guess that's the point of this all. Never assume that a couple is truly happily in love. Next thing you know, you'll be reading about their busting up in some newspaper. It happens!
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