Monday, July 11, 2005

Thanks to My Supporters

Originally posted on Monday, August 16, 2004

Thank you to my supporters

Being an author is partially everything and nothing you imagine it to be. Maybe that's a good thing - because I learn something new probably every other day. Right now, I just want to give a mega shout out to all the folks that have:

1-Bought My Daughter's Boyfriend
2-Read the book
3-Loved the book
4-Told someone else about the book
5-Ordered the book for their bookstore
6-Selected MDB as a book club pick
7-Borrowed it from the library
8-Anything else that suggests support of me and my debut novel I really do enjoy this part, the good news, the sales rankings, knowing that people are reading my book in Australia, London, and British Columbia, and I adore the bestseller status (I don't care which list it hits, THANK YOU, for making it happen).

And thanks for the supportive e-mails, phone calls, etc., those things that stir up the joy inside my heart. Did I tell you that I LOVE GOOD NEWS! :) I do!

Peace & love,
Cydney Rax

1 comment:

CydneyR said...

Toy, you're too cool. Thank you for your positive and warm spirit.