Monday, January 30, 2006

I finally have some good news

On the author tip, I learned today that my first lil book MY DAUGHTER'S BOYFRIEND has finally earned out its advance and I will be getting a royalty check. A nice unexpected chunk of change. This is absolutely one of the best things that can happen to a writer. And one thing I've never wanted to do is cause my publisher to lose money because I wasn't able to earn out my advance. But thank God, folks have been buying the book, especially the paperback edition and it's now in its second printing. So again, thank you to everyone that has been so supportive of MDB. I have really enjoyed visiting a few Houston area book clubs -- these ladies make me laugh sooo hard. Like The Sistah Hood Book Review, Brownstone Book Club, and others. We have so much fun and I love hearing the ladies diss my characters and talk about what they did, and how Tracey was so hated etc., It is amazing how readers look so far into a book in a way that an author doesn't intend and they pick up on things that even I hadn't thought about. Soooo, I am counting my blessings today -- and to me, earning royalties is a nice bonus because I try not to worry about how my book is selling. I don't hustle (shhh, don't tell anybody), I try not to get caught up. I just depend on word of mouth, and pray, and que sera sera. You simply can't control every aspect of the author life. You gotta let go of things and just enjoy each experience good or bad. And that's what I'm doing and what I hope to continue to do for the rest of my life.


Frederick Smith said...

Congrats on earning out your advance! That's great news... I'm sure you and your publisher are happy. And I'm really looking forward to your next novel. The excerpt is really good!

LadyLee said...

Congratulations, Cydney... That is quite an accomplishment!! Now let's work on selling the rights for the movie :)

Stacy-Deanne said...

Look at Lady talking about a movie! LOL! Congratulations, Cyd! You know I know how hard the author's life is. I am happy you earned out your advance. I hope you didn't sit around thinking you wouldn't. Remember to ALWAYS be positive. That's what gets us through. I'll get your book. I got to get Sheila Goss' too. I have a list of books from author pals I need to get but the truth is every time I try to focus on getting things, I end up busier. You know how it is. By the way, I am working on getting into the Chronicle. I will let you know how it goes. You need to get in there too. You haven't been already have you? If so, I apologize if I missed it. But this would be great for us, Cyd. Think of the exposure! By the way, PLEASE go to my site and comment under my Black Programming post. I would love to get your opinion.

Also, I have become my own publicist. Now I'm busier than ever but I like taking charge of everything. I have the room to accomplish it right now. If it gets too difficult I will hire someone in the future. But I don't think it makes sense to give tons of money to someone when now a days you can easily promote yourself if you try. Check out my website. I just did some more interviews.

Shelia said...

Congrats on getting into the "royalty" club. I hope to one day follow in your footsteps. I loved your first book and can't wait to read your new one.

CydneyR said...

Thank y'all for your well wishes!! :)
And Ladylee, if I had a dollar for every reader that says, "you should make your book into a movie" I'd actually have the financing to MAKE the movie. LOLOL.

Bestselling Author, Pontif. said...

Hey Cydney.......

This is fabulous news for any author, congratulations!

I do wonder, though it may be nosey, but I'll put it out there anyhow.....just how much was your advance? Pray tell.

I ask only because earning out doesn't always been the book is a decided success. It (meaning what you can command in the future) really depends on the # of copies sold. How many have you sold thus far?

CydneyR said...

Oooo Pontif. That is a juicy question, but I believe a writer should not disclose the amount of the advance whether it's five grand or five hundred grand.

I'm waiting for my statement to come any day now so I can know how many copies were sold. All I can surmise is that tradepaper sells a lot better than hardcover.

Unknown said...

Congratalutions! First time reader and I'm very impressed by the way you work your pen!

CydneyR said...

Thank you D. Washington.

Okay, I recently received a royalty statement. My Daughter's Boyfriend did very well via Black Expressions Book Club. And the trade paper sold really well the first four months of release and I hope that continues. Now for another exciting piece of news. I walked into my neighborhood Wal-Mart a few days ago and saw my book there as part of the Black History Month display of books. Soooo, I sure hope that MDB can hang around Wal-Mart for longer than February -- I know books generally do very well in that store.

As far as sales, I won't give specifics -- the book has sold fairly well (for a first time, unknown author), but I always want it to do better, and believe that it can do even better. Hope that makes sense.

Bestselling Author, Pontif. said...

Hi Cydney.......that definitely makes sense. Congratulations and best wishes for continued success!

Write on!

Tee C. Royal said...

This is wonderful news Cydney, congrats!!


Michelle said...

Congrats to you! I know this is important -- it's like earning your keep! You go -- much success to you for book #2 and all books to come!

CydneyR said...
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