Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Win an Oscar, Get a Divorce

Academy Award Winner Hilary Swank and her hubby Chad Lowe are separating --- another couple standing in the snaking line of the Hollywood Divorce Court. I just wonder what is it about Hollywood, or success perhaps, that makes it seems a relationship's demise is inevitable. Yes, I was shocked when Nick and Jessica split up (I really hate believing the tabloids and I rejected all their juicy little know-it-all rumors). I wasn't suprised by the break up of Gabrielle Union and her husband. And like most others, yeah, I was shocked that Brad Pitt would leave Jennifer. What's the world coming to? And God forbid, the February issue of Ebony Magazine just hit the street - the issue where they proclaim the 10 hottest black couples. I really detest that type of story because a lot of times we don't know what is going on behind closed doors when it comes to a famous couple's relationship. We are in awe of their love, we envy how he treats her like a queen, but is he beating her like a fiend when no one is looking? Oh well, I guess that's the point of this all. Never assume that a couple is truly happily in love. Next thing you know, you'll be reading about their busting up in some newspaper. It happens!


LadyLee said...

"We are in awe of their love, we envy how he treats her like a queen, but is he beating her like a fiend when no one is looking?"

I agree totally. That's probably what happens. But I think that these relationships have a hard time surviving because they are constantly under a magnifying glass. The pressure to live the way the viewing public wants you to live, the whole fairytale phenomenon, must be hellacious to deal with for these couples... Oh my!

Stacy-Deanne said...

I think a lot of this has to do with men not being able to cope with successful women. Reese and Ryan were going through the same thing a couple of years ago until he finally grew up and learned to be a man. Why can't men support a woman that may be doing better than they are at the time? When will they realize we are not here to compete with them, just that we want what we are owed too? I guess that's life.

CydneyR said...

Shelley, I agree with you about the tats. Just Don't Do It. LOL. I think Brandy Norwood talks too much also when it comes to her relationships and they don't seem to last long. Ohhh, another thing that can hex you. Don't get engaged and then pose for one of those bridal magazine covers. It's like as soon as the issue hits the newstands, the engagement has ended. Scary!

CydneyR said...

Then sometimes I think the press targets a couple and tries its best to break them up. I don't like that -- give people a chance to screw up their own relationships and let the breaks up happen naturally. :)

CydneyR said...

You ask a good question and it would be wonderful if men could answer it. Why are some guys intimidated by a successful woman? What makes them feel vulnerable? Maybe because if he knows she makes a grip, then she can easily leave him if she so desires; whereas a woman that is financially dependent on a man can get stuck, with few options, and is forced to hold on longer than she wishes.

Shelia said...

I guess being in a high profile relationship has its downfall. I do think if the individuals involved would not allow "the press" to dictate to them on what goes on in their relationship, they may have a better chance of surviving. Look at Will & Jada Smith; Duane Martin and Tischia Campbell for example.